Sunday, March 29, 2015

General Design Ideas For New Kitchens

Interior design of kitchens is a widely discussed area. Here are the general aspects that must be incorporated:

Make It Blend Into The Home

Sometimes, you may want to change only the kitchen in the entire home. For an open plan kitchen, you may have to touch up some sections of the adjacent rooms to match the new look. You might get away with the 'face-lift' if you have a traditional contained kitchen.

Get Extra Space

Space is one of the most valuable factors in design. While extra storage units may work, they may end up looking bulky or obstructing pathways. Think of new places to add pull out soft drawers and paneled cabinets. Discuss these with your kitchen installer so they incorporate it into their plan early enough if possible. You can get ideas from visiting showrooms and studying kitchen galleries.

During the 'scouting' period, it may help to get the installer whose ideas you love to do the job for you. They are the ones who know how they do it. Itmay prove disastrous sometimes to 'hop' and collect ideas. It does help to look around and settle for the most impressive however.


Never compromise on lighting. In fact, the more the better. If you have a large kitchen, one central fixture may not illuminate all corners. Discuss the viability and impact of having more lighting in as many areas as you can. This not only makes the room look bigger, but it also improves the safety and comfort of those in the kitchen.

Where the kitchen is to also serve as a dining area, you can have adjustable lighting to make mealtimes warm, pleasant and cozy.

Environmental Compatibility

Make your designs, materials and appliances eco-friendly. Have energy efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens and freezing units. The Australian Government recommends that all households use environmental friendly products, with appliances having Energy Rating Labels. This is to make it easy for consumers to know which appliance is best for their homes and the environment as a whole. The tagline says 'the more the stars, the more the savings'.

The best part of getting a new kitchen, apart from finally walking into your dream room, is having the minute details handled by a professional. Good installation firms will oversee the little things and diligently execute the bulk tasks for you. There are shady firms which do shoddy jobs but cover up on the surface. Get an installer with a proven excellent track record and glowing reputation. For one, you may need to actually see a sample of their work that has been in place for a considerable length of time.

Once your new kitchen is done, the idea is that it is built to last at least a generation before you feel the itch to get a new one to renovate. That need for a change is quite expected. Why else would you be getting new kitchens if you're not moving into a new home?

As for the style, anything goes. Only make sure it suits your needs. Take into account your family size if you have one and of course, your tastes.

Jeremy Foxe works at Apollo Kitchens. The staff, from the management to the assistants is bent on creating new, fresh and exciting kitchens every work day. They have successfully installed a number of futuristic kitchens in several homes in New South Wales, Australia. Kindly go to our website at .


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