Monday, March 30, 2015

Energy Smart Strategies For Commercial Kitchens

Through the implementation of energy efficient kitchen solutions, the food services sector and small businesses with kitchen facilities can assume control of their energy use and realize energy cost savings. Today, technology exists for remarkable reductions in the consumption of energy, resulting in significant cost savings as well as considerable carbon-footprint reductions.

The Environmental Protection Authority claims that commercial kitchens and food outlets that are investing strategically could cut their energy costs by between 10 per cent and 30 per cent. Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI), a professional international organization for management and design consulting services, estimates that such energy savings could be as high as 40 per cent, equating to about 3% - to 6% of total operating costs.

There are several environmental and cost benefits that are associated with the implementation of a more efficient cooking plus kitchen solution. We look at some of the strategies you could adopt towards that goal:

Investing In Energy Efficient Kitchen Equipment

When you're buying new cooking equipment for your commercial kitchen, consider the entire product life-cycle costs, which ideally ought to include the purchase price, and the annual energy costs, as well as other long-term costs that are associated with that equipment. True, to choose quality equipment that is energy efficient may be quite a considerable capital outlay, but this could in the long term, offer great energy cost savings, hence becoming a very smart investment. As you go about the equipment acquisition, ensure that it meets the Food Premises and Equipment Standard, as recommended by the Australian Institute of Environmental Health,

Purchasing Insulated Equipment

Cooking equipment such as fryers and ovens that are insulated will keep more heat within, hence reducing your standby energy losses. In addition, well insulated cooling rooms can aid in reducing your air conditioning costs.

Training Employees in Efficient Equipment Usage

Maintenance of equipment is critical; therefore make sure your kitchen staff is familiar with the appliance care, usage and cleaning routines. This will help towards ensuring your equipment is working effectively and efficiently. Depending on usage, your cooking equipment ought to be serviced twice a year, and this includes ovens recalibration and any other kitchen equipment that is controlled by thermostats.

Employing Right Equipment

Utilizing the correct size of lids on your saucepans and pots will keeps the heat contained and makes cooking more efficient and faster. To use saucepans that are flat bottom ensures better plate contact and heat transfer. The Department of Industry and Science's Energy Rating labels enables you to compare and contrast the energy efficiency of various appliances.

Maintaining Equipment

Regularly conduct inspections on your oven seals and insulation. Oven seals that are well sealed contribute to unit efficiency. Additionally, check door hinges, seals, and catches of other kitchen appliances to sustain optimal performance. This is also in conformity with the Food Act 1989 in terms of food hygiene.

Cooking At Moderate Temperatures

Putting in place a cooking style that is energy smart could help reduce your energy use. For instance, preheating your cooking equipment at the manufacturer's recommended settings is prudent. To reduce the heat after the initial searing and subsequently cooking the dish at a moderate temperature might assist in saving energy as well as in preserving the quality of food.

Jeremy Foxe is employed at Apollo Kitchens. He will make sure that you get quality kitchen equipment whenever you buy at Apollo Kitchens. He is well trained in energy efficient cooking technologies. Visit our website at for more information about quality kitchen equipment.


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