Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Wonder That Is Lingual Braces

Lingual braces, also known as invisible braces, or iBraces, are placed at the back of the teeth, invisible from the outside. They are best suited for correcting minor malocclusion, like aligning a few teeth that are crooked. They also correct bite and spacing problems. The Incognito Lite for example, is designed for the front six teeth.

The most popular brand of lingual braces are the Incognito series. There's the Incognito and Incognito Lite. Some of these braces do not use the attachment bands used in metal braces. The brackets are designed to be self-ligating, making them even more comfortable.

The reason why many orthodontists may recommend these braces is because of the technology involved. Before they come up with a treatment plan, athree-dimensional scan of your mouth and jaw will be taken and the braces digitally customized for you. Using special software the dentists can predict how far your teeth will have moved over a certain period. Your treatment is made even better this way. Even better, after the prediction of teeth movement, a robot bends the wires to be used on your braces in a unique way. They are effective and work fast, so the treatment period is quite short.

The main clientele are adults who may not wish to make it known to the world that they are straightening their teeth.

Apart from the discretion they offer the wearer, they are a bit more comfortable than other braces, and allow complex movements of the jaw. The chance of damaging the front of your teeth is also eliminated.

These braces are customized using computer technology to come up with the perfect fit for a patient. They are to be top priority for the patient if they are liberty to choose their treatment method. For those who play wind instruments, you can do it better that when wearing the traditional braces over the teeth.

The treatment is done in three stages, with each phase involving the prediction software and customized brackets. Put simply, this is what happens during the three treatment stages:

Phase one:
A passive clip is inserted in the brace to strictly align your teeth with little friction.

Phase two:
An interactive clip closes the gaps between the teeth.

Phase Three:
A movable clip is inserted to direct the jaw in complex movements.

The wires have to be replaced at least once throughout the treatment. The best thing is that the treatment takes place fast. The computer is able to determine the best route and angles of teeth movement. With this data, your orthodontists knows which bracket dimensions to use.

You can take anything from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the severity of the condition.

If you're worried about having metal braces at the bottom of your teeth, you can opt for clear ceramic lingual braces on your lower jaw and have the metallic ones put in the upper jaw.

The World Journal of Orthodontics affirms that the overall treatment time using modern lingual braces like the SureSmile QT is reduced by at least 33%.

Niño works at Gullota Orthodontics. Dr. Gullota has a glowing reputation for his skill and service. He has been able to restore confident smiles to tens of Australians with lingual braces throughout his career. For your oral care and dental problem visit .


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