Friday, May 29, 2015

What Are Clear Braces?

Braces work as the best solution for teeth alignment. They apply a continuous but gradual pressure on the teeth so that the teeth are positioned in a desirable pattern. Most braces are made of metal. On the other hand, an alternative has developed recently in the medical field whereby clear braces are used.

Clear teeth aligners are made of polypropylene material, which drastically reduces visibility of the dental fitting. In this case, teeth are covered entirely with material of similar color, usually ceramic, hence reducing evidence of the braces' presence.

Metal braces are less flexible compared to ceramic braces. Ceramic braces are more comfortable and hardly impede speech if properly fitted. In addition, they are less bulky and easily adjusted by an orthodontist, if the need arises.

How To Avoid Stains On Ceramic Braces

Ceramic bracers are fitted with ligatures that consist of small rubber bands that aid in proper attachment of braces to the teeth, while at the same time rendering them invisible. An advantage of these types of braces is that they are highly resistant to stains. However, being resistant to stains doesn't eliminate the likelihood of any stains occurring.

Preventing stains requires a process of constant care. If proper hygiene isn't maintained, the ligatures are likely to turn cloudy or get covered by stains that would prove tough to eradicate.

1. Don't Miss Any Check-Ups

Regular adjustments of the teeth after every five weeks are crucial, due to the spaces created after gradual alignment. In addition, the ligatures should be changed during these checkups. Since ceramic braces are relatively expensive both during maintenance and initial fitting, it would definitely be a wise thing to ensure that you get maximum value from them by observing regular check-ups.

2. Avoid Intake of Foods That Cause Stains

The same way in which spilled soda would stain your white shirt, is how your ceramic braces would be stained if you constantly ingest drinks or food with a high color density. Therefore, your orthodontist is sure to recommend abstinence from drinks such as coffee, tea, dark sodas and juices, in order to prevent discoloration of the ligatures.

3. Brushing Teeth With a Prescribed Whitener Paste

Brushing teeth daily is a recommendation for every human being with teeth, but those with braces are given even more strict requirements of brushing their teeth after every single meal and snack. This comes with a double advantage, since the practice prevents tooth decay that may result from food trapped between the wire and teeth, apart from preventing stains on ligatures. Use of mouthwash may be a useful alternative, but not as effective as brushing your teeth, although it's better than doing nothing.

4. Quit Smoking

The chemical called nicotine, present in cigarettes, causes brown stains on teeth, hence tarnishing ligatures around braces.

The Australian Society of Orthodontics is a firm advocate of the advancement of dental brace technology. The society recognizes the benefits derived from use of clear teeth aligners, both in children and adults. The popularity of such teeth aligners can be attributed to their discreet, almost invisible look. This is also coupled with the capacity of such braces to correct misaligned teeth.

Dr. Niño Gullotta is highly qualified in orthodontic treatment. You'll find him, as well as other dedicated personnel at Gullotta Orthodontics. They are highly dedicated to offering the best clear braces services at to all patients.


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