Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Are Lingual Braces Right For You?

Probably, the picture you have in your mind when someone mentions braces is a mouth full of unsightly brackets and wires. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, dentists have come up with braces that are virtually invisible and placed on the back of your teeth. This new, innovative type of brace is called lingual braces. Such braces are very useful for people who desperately want to correct their dental problems, but are conscious about their appearance.

How Do Braces Work?

Braces aid teeth in growing straight, by applying a continuous, gradual and gentle pressure on them. This makes them move gradually back into their proper position.

You are probably tired of your teeth's gapping, rotated angles or crowding, but you might not be comfortable with displaying a bunch of metal wires and brackets on your teeth for over a year. Sadly, many people have had to endure wearing such braces for twelve to twenty four months, aiming to get the best results.

Fortunately, lingual aligners enhance one's aesthetic look, apart from correcting dental problems, in the sense that the unsightly metal wires and brackets are completely hidden. Moreover, they work just as effectively as traditional braces.

Application Of Braces: What Does The Process Entail?

In the beginning, precise impressions of your teeth are scanned to make unique brackets most suited to your teeth. Attachment of braces takes up to two hours in a virtually painless process. After the braces are fixed, your teeth may develop some sensitivity as they begin to move. Nonetheless, patients adapt to this feeling and easily get comfortable with it over time.

Check Ups After Fixing

Your dentist will recommend a check up to assess the progress of treatment after an average of eight weeks in order to adjust the wire. At the end of treatment, you'll have a retainer fitted, which helps keep your teeth in their new position.

In case of any breakage, contact your dentist immediately in order to prevent the wire from digging into your cheek. Depending on the intensity of breakage, the dentist may decide to either replace the braces with a new set or perform a quick repair on the broken wires. All in all, if a breakage occurs, try to avoid any movements of your teeth until you get to the orthodontist, to prevent causing harm to your mouth.

Oral Hygiene Recommended By Dentists

Your dentist is sure to advise you to avoid sticky foods that may interfere with the progress of treatment. Moreover, fizzy drinks are normally prohibited to avoid stain marks on your teeth or, even worse, decay.

In case you experience stains on your teeth and are considering teeth whitening, make sure you're aware of the policies set out by the Dental Board of Australia regarding this issue. In this regard, only qualified professionals, bearing prior training in teeth whitening, are allowed to handle such a procedure. It's important that patients familiarize themselves with what they are dealing with, since such a procedure is very delicate and may have adverse consequences if carried out in an unprofessional manner.

Dr. Sam Whittle and his Corinna St Orthodontics team offer a variety of dental services. They are highly skilled in fitting braces and will handle your case with the best care. Book an appointment with the brilliant team today. Browse our website at for more info and services.


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