Monday, January 4, 2016

Can Baths Help Diabetics?

When you're healthy and fit, you might simply dismiss bathtubs as being objects of vanity: things that you simply use for added luxury, rather than any meaningful benefit.

Firstly, you would be mistaken, since the stress-relief you get from a warm soak in that tub can do much more than give you a good feeling - it can help prevent stress-related illnesses.

Secondly, soaking tubs can be excellent bathroom fixtures for people affected by certain illnesses. There are numerous benefits you can get from this simple luxury, such as boosting your immunity, alleviating serious medical conditions and helping skin conditions like eczema.

One ailment in particular is diabetes. An interesting publication in the New England Journal of Medicine shows just how effective a simple soak in the tub can be when dealing with diabetes. In the study, blood sugar levels of diabetics showed a remarkable reduction by about 13 percent, just by having a half-hour soak in a hot tub. If you're diabetic, that's definitely something to make you rush to the showroom and get yourself the biggest tub available!

You may wonder how a simple bath can create such remarkable effects. Is it just the tub or is something else involved?

Well, the science is pretty solid on this one. When you immerse your body in hot water, the heat will dilate your blood vessels. This will inevitably improve blood flow. Consequently, your body would have the capacity to make better use of the hormone known as insulin. This is the hormone responsible for converting blood sugar into energy. In other words, the hot tub helps your body function better, which helps counter the effects of disease.

Your Elderly Relatives Will Also Appreciate That Hot Tub More Than You

If you've enjoyed the soothing experience of a warm bath, your elderly relatives would definitely appreciate the experience even more that you do. On their part, it wouldn't just be about enjoyment, but also real physical benefits to their health.

Based on a Japanese study, it was revealed that a 10-minute warm bath had a significant positive impact on the cardiovascular health of elderly women and men. This even led to reduced pain sensation, apart from improving their performance in exercise tests. Considering such significant benefits derived from a very short time in the tub, you can definitely expect even more benefits with continuous use.

However, you must not miss the clear difference between a hot bath and a warm one. The Japanese study made use of warm baths, which produced positive improvement. However, previous research has shown that a hot bath would actually produce negative effects. Such a hot bath has the potential of temporarily increasing blood pressure, which could prove dangerous for heart disease patients.

So, if you were trying to figure out the perfect gift for your aging parents, why not consider a tastefully designed tub. Just make sure to select a properly designed tub that can be easily accessed by someone of their age. It should also have necessary safety features, including non-slip surfaces. You can also install faucets that have the capacity to regulate the right water temperature, just to avoid filling up the tub with scalding hot water.

ACS Designer Bathrooms have constantly delivered high quality bathroom products. Every product is expertly designed and made to last for a long time. Moreover, you are always guaranteed a wide selection to suit different bathroom styles and themes. Call or visit today for the best deals.


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