Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Freestanding Baths: How To Get The Best Fit

After checking through all the available bathtub designs, you finally settled on freestanding baths. Now, the next challenge is finding one that is the best fit. These helpful tips will guide you in choosing the right one.

A. Can You Customize It?

At times you might want to change the type of fittings that you originally used with your bath. You might want to include overflows or jets for spa applications. Such aspects would require a tub designs that can accommodate them; hence you should consider whether your tub design can allow for such customization in future.

B. Size Matters

Although the standard bathtub would comfortably fit most people, you need to confirm this first. According to BUILD, the rule of thumb when selecting appropriate tub sizes is checking for a size that suits the largest person among those who will use it. However, you might not necessarily go for a longer tub. Greater depth can easily compensate for any deficiency in length.

Most likely, you'll find a standard tub measuring 1.5m by 0.75m in Australia. Therefore, if you're 6-feet tall, you'll find such a bath quite uncomfortable, especially since the dimensions are inclusive of the thick rims of the tub at each end. The only way you can be truly sure that a particular option is your best fit is simply by sitting in it.

Of course, you might also want a tub in which to share a romantic bath with your partner. In this case, wider designs are the best fit. You may also want to test it out before making a decision.

Regardless of how much you want a large tub, it may actually not fit in your bathroom. Perhaps, you might be able to take out unnecessary fixtures within the bathroom to make room for your tub. Why not even convert the family bathroom into a shower room, if you already have an adjacent powder room? Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, you can still opt for deeper tubs to compensate any deficiencies in length.

C. Water Use

According to BUILD, you would have to use 65% hot water just to have a warm bath in your tub. Therefore, you must check whether your hot water system can fully cater to this water capacity, depending on your tub size. Remember to consider the number of people in your home who will be using the tub, apart from adding up the total capacity of other appliances using hot water in your home.

D. Proper Installation

The weight of stone tubs may range between 1,200 to 3,500lbs. Once filled with water, this weight increases dramatically to between 2,000 and 4,500 lbs. Due to such a significant weight, you must be completely sure that the supporting base is a flat, continuous and non-deflecting surface that can support such a tub.

If you intend to install the bathtub flush with the ground, its depth should be a key consideration. This will determine how much construction work would be required during the installation process. Most of all, your selection must be compatible with whatever plumbing system you have.

Babak is an expert renovator. His insights will help you discover creative bathroom remodeling strategies. You can get the highest quality fixtures from ACS Designer Bathrooms. Visit for the best bathroom fixtures to install in your home.


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